Thursday, April 26, 2018

Another Visit to Fort Pickens

In the photo, a welcoming committee of one. It seems that there are more of these than usual this year, digging a lot of large holes, requiring care (and a flashlight) when walking about the area at night.

The plan is to be here at Fort Pickens for two weeks, which is a good thing since the first 5 days have brought a confluence of events that have largely precluded the intended activities here. For instance, a whole day of rain, wind and tornado warnings all over the place with 6 actual confirmed tornados in the surrounding area. Another thrill was, thanks to my less than expert skills in backing the 5th wheel trailer, a shattered rear window in the truck and the resultant hours spent in cleaning up most of the glass and this, of course, required the loss of another day of exploring due to a trip into Pensacola to have the window replaced.

There was still a bit of time available for a few short hikes, two shows by the Blue Angels and some sitting around enjoying the surroundings. There will be much more about this visit and photos, but probably not until the time here has expired and I have access to more than just a limited amount of WiFi time.

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