Sunday, August 2, 2015

Denali National Park - Trip 1

For the last day of July in our Alaska Adventure, we took our first trip into Denali National Park, home of Mount McKinley, a vast array of wild animals and 6 million acres of scenic views. On this trip, we saw only the latter, but we were very pleased with just that.  Keep in mind that we went only about 13 miles into the park and there will be more visits to come.

We hope that these photos will convey some sense of the vastness of this area.  You will see some good examples of where the tree line ends as the elevation increases and also the line where all vegetation ends and there is nothing but rock from there to the top.  As you see the various waterways and beds with no water, try to imagine what this must be like when the Spring melt is at a peak.

The day also included a short side trip to the small town of Healy, Alaska (Pop. 1000, give or take) where we bought a tomato.  20 extra miles for a tomato? Well, this is the Alaska interior.  We could always go 100+ miles (one way) to the Walmart in Fairbanks. Our last two photos are included for Mary and Vickie.

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