Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh Beautiful

Really Close to Canada
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain...
In truth, we saw no amber grain since it is not quite the right time of the Summer in this part of the country, but in driving through North Dakota it was not hard to imagine how such words could have been inspired. For at least 90% of our drive across the state (on US 2 - off the beaten Interstate), we saw nothing but spacious skies with fields, mostly of grain and sugar beets, stretching from horizon to horizon, North to South and East to West. We decided that ND must supply a very hefty portion of wheat, rye, corn, etc. that goes into our country's (or other parts of the world I'm sure) food supply. In the town of Ray, while stopped in a parking lot by a baseball field to have lunch, we had a nice chat with a local couple who were in town for a big local event including a parade and other such things, but the main attraction of the day was to run a car that had been empied of oil until the engine blew. Of course there were bets being made on how long it would run.
Only a few photos attached to this part of our story - some of the things OTHER than crops we observed along the way.
North Dakota (24 Photos)

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